Wednesday, 29 March 2017

Final Project Reflection

With the final assignment complete. I would like to share a log journal I kept for the two classes we had to complete the project.

The assignment was filled with many challenging obstacles that were heightened by a time constraint. However, most importantly, this project helped me develop new strategy skills when tackling similar assignments. 

March 13th, 2017

Unfortunately, on this day the road conditions left me unable to physically attend class. I emailed my group and we developed an alternate plan: I will work on the physical building of the box which housed all of our components; while the other group members begin to work on the speaker component. 

I was able to finish the box during the night, while unfortunately, my group members were struggling with the speakers for the entirety of the class. 
In hindsight, we should have moved on to the other components once we realized the speakers were proving to be more difficult than anticipated. 

Nevertheless, our group had a productive first day! 

March 20th, 2017

Our final day was here too quickly! With all of us together, we used the first 5 minutes of class going over out game plan and dividing the tasks to utilize the time efficiently. 

Alyssa and I were responsible for wiring the lights and developing code that would yield the most interactive design. After much trial and error, 50 minutes into class, we pieced together a code that would alter the flashing light duration by how long the user pressed the button. For example, if they held the button for more than 2 seconds, the lights would change colors rapidly, as opposed to the slower more relaxed flash. And with some miracle, everything worked as planned! 

Of course, this was too good to be true, this is where our main issues kicked in. 

Sam and Sonia were still tirelessly working away with the speakers, trying to get everything to work. In the meantime, Alyssa and I began working on the motor. The motor was intended to be controlled by a button, unfortunately, time was ticking fast, and class was over soon. We successfully wired the motor together and wrote a suitable code. The code was very basic and just told the motor to move from right to left by 180 degrees. However, once we put the lights and motor on the same circuit, the lights stopped working. Dun dun dun.

We finally decided to ax the speakers and put all four brains together to try and figure out what was going on with the lights and motor. We were not able to come to a conclusion before class was over. 

Final Thoughts

Looking back, my one major regret during this project was the time spent on the speaker. While we do still have our hard effort to show for it, our effort would have been better used towards the smaller components. In the original outline, the speaker was defined as an "extra" component, if we had time. Spending all of our time on this, left us with little room to complete the more simplistic aspects we should have very well perfected. For future assignments, I will stress the importance of time management by allocating sections based on their importance and current resources. Overall, I had a positive experience working with my group as we sorted our way through an important learning curve.

Sunday, 12 March 2017

Arduino DYI: Vending Machine

A Vending Machine Powered by Arduino

 The purpose of this blog post is to review an Arduino-based DIY project. For this assignment, I have chosen to critically analyze A Vending Machine Powered by Arduino, made by Sevenmojoe January 15th, 2017.  You can follow the author's instructions using this link: 

What is it?

This DIY project creates a snack vending machine that utilizes a variety of sensors and push buttons- which will later be explored- to dispense a snack if and when a coin is inserted.  

(S. 2017)

Application to Class Readings

While this project is far more complex than anything we learnt in class, the basic theoretical concepts were derived from our fundamental content.  We learned a lot of the components that the author utilizes in a much more basic context during our labs. To exemplify the use of lights, sensors and of corse an Arduino board. Comparing this project with class readings, however, was a little more complex- and involved a fair amount of stretching out the meaning of the intended content. Author Tarleton Gillespie notes that the more critical issue with enforcing copyright law is to control how one person will use something that they are given or that they purchase (Gillsepie 2006). While our discussion here has nothing to do with copyright infringement like Gillespie's paper explores, the idea that you cannot control how someone will use their piece of equipment opens up an interesting discussion. The intended use of the DIY project was to create a vending machine using Arduino-it is difficult to determine if the intended use is what it will, in fact, be used for. Anyone can take the steps outlined by Sevenmojoe and create something similar, but not what he has designed his instructions for. Or perhaps someone is given this piece of equipment and they later take all the pieces apart in order to use certain components for another project. Whatever the case is, all DIY projects are meant to be a creative exploration and are not designed to be used in a certain way. Just to open up minds to new techniques and possibilities with code and infrastructure. 

Required Components

This more complex project requires the use of many unique sensors, as well as cheaper components that can be acquired at a local part store. The following list is what the author, Sevenmojoe used to create their DIY.

  • ·      Arduino UNO & Genuino UNO
  • ·      Sensor Shield
  • ·      DC Motor 6V include the wheel
  • ·      Infrared (reflective) or line follower sensor – used for product detection
  • ·      Proximity (electromagnetic) sensor, used for coin senor number 1
  • ·      Distance Interrupter (infrared/optocoupler) sensor, used for coin sensor number 2
  • ·      Power supply 6V for DC motor
  • ·      4 switch Relay
  • ·      LCD (Nokia 5110 LCD)
  • ·      LED (generic)
  • ·      Push Button (Yellow, Green and Red)

Software Apps:
  •       Arduino IDE
  •       Solidworks- or any other 3D model maker

(S. 2017)

Out of this list of components, I was pleasantly surprised that I knew more of them than I thought. Even the pieces I did not think I knew, once they were further researched, I discovered I was already aware of them- and in fact, in some cases I had even worked with them in labs. With the few components I was not familiar with, I decided it would be best to further explore them.

These are switches designed to open and close circuits both electronically and electromechanically. They can also be used as amplifiers, by converting small currents into larger ones (Woodford 2015). In this DIY it was used in the coin slot. Although it is not described, I am assuming that once the coin is inserted it would activate the coils to dispense the snack. Therefore using the switching aspect of relays, not an amplifier. 

Sensor Sheild 
This component is actually built into many Arduino Boards. With the presence of a sensor shield in your Arduino, you will be able to connect many input and output devices (Arduino-Info 2017).  I assume this will help with the usability of the components and not so much the vending machine itself. However, I cannot be sure if this shield has any external affects to the project. 


After the analysis of this DIY project, I realized that these seemingly complex assignments are built off of our fundamental knowledge. Doing this analysis has made me more comfortable with the final project. As the author broke down all of the steps with his work, I realized that this "big" assignment in our class is just a combination of a lot of smaller components. For example, my group is making a music box. One by one we will be doing things such as adding in sensors, audio and lights. These are all components we have learned prior from labs- but by compiling them together we will be able to create something more substantial. 

Work Cited 

Gillespie, T. (2006). Designed to ‘effectively frustrate’: copyright, technology and the agency of users. New Media & Society, 8(4), 651-669. doi:10.1177/1461444806065662

S. (2017, January 15). Snacks Vending Machine powered by Arduino. Retrieved March 13, 2017, from

SensorShield. (n.d.). Retrieved March 12, 2017, from

Woodford, C. (2015, May 08). How do relays work? Retrieved March 12, 2017, from

Sunday, 26 February 2017

Reflective Post 1

This blog post will reflect on Ana Viseu's paper, Simulation and augmentation: Issues of wearable computers (2003).

Viseu discusses the relatively new concept of the human body becoming the host for ICTs in the form of wearable technologies. This means that consumers can be more interactive with their personal devices in a way that defies traditional "extension" methods. Traditional extension methods is of course, referring to the extension of the human body to technology (laptops, cell phones).

One of the more interesting aspects of the paper delved into 5 unique sensors and how they apply towards wearable technology. I really enjoyed this portion as it introduced me to new types of sensors. While at the same time gave a name to the familiar functionalities of popular wearable computers - for example, a FitBit utilizes Biological sensors as some models have the ability to monitor heart rate.

The discussion about the dependency of wearable computers affecting human instinct and experience was widely eye-opening. Viseu used a Doctor as an example- explaining that is a Physician one-day relies on computers to determine diagnostics when those machines are unable to identify the condition, will the Doctor be able to return to their primitive instincts? Growing from that- what if wearable technologies grow to a level in which training doctors do not even develop the necessary instincts and tools critical to their profession? That can be applied to almost every profession. Take a police officer who is trained to detect suspicious behavior and situations. What if a futuristic wearable lie detector test was to fail? Then an innocent person would be in jail -in that case, would the entire legal system be removed? As trials would be unnecessary due to the power of wearable computers. 

To summarize, after reading the paper, broadly speaking-I do feel as though wearable computers are on the path towards replacing professional and emotional instincts and behaviours.  

Thursday, 19 January 2017

Dissecting A Samsung Travel Charger

For our Dissection Assignment, I decided to pull apart a Samsung Travel Charger. In doing so, I was able to examine the electronic components that are used in order to make a charger work.

First, let me take you through how I cracked it open--the fun part.

The Fun Part

It was deceivingly difficult to open the charger up. I had assumed that because of the ridge at the top of the charger, all I would have to do is pop it off. In my head, all this took was some pliers and maybe a hammer. 
In reality, it took two people, two Youtube videos, an Exacto knife and a hammer. 
Placing the Exacto knife on the ridge, we were able to hammer it open and free the green chip.

Examining the Green Side  


There was not too much I was 100% familiar with yet- but by combining resources from lectures, and with additional research- I was able to identify the main aspects of the charger. 
First, I noticed at least 2 diodes. These are the larger black squares-one in the lower left corner and the other in the middle of the plate. Diodes block currents in one direction while also allowing current to flow from the other direction. Therefore I can then assume that one of these diodes is positive, which flows the current to another negative side. The majority of diodes are made from silicon. 
The majority of the components we discussed in class were found on the reverse side. 

Examining the "Flip Side"

                                                       Front View
                                                         Back View

                                                                        Birds Eye View

                                                  USB Port View
                                         Green Capacitor View

I decided to display the components in the same orderly fashion that I examined them in-giving you a better visualization of the integral parts of this electronic device.  
Looking first at the Bird's Eye view, I can clearly identify the flyback transformer - this is the component inside the big square-it is wrapped up in blue. This transformer is able to convert voltage levels. Perhaps this is then used in a charger in order to increase the voltage, making your devices charge faster. 

Now with the "Front View", the two silver cylinder-like components look like Capacitors
To be more specific, I believe these to be, Tantalum Electrolytic. What makes these capacitors unique is their ability to harness a lot of capacitance in a small volume. These types of capacitors are suited for equipment which requires a high voltage. Therefore I can conclude that the manufactures use of these powerful capacitors was to ensure the product will stay intact no matter the voltage it is subject too. 

The "Back View" of the object displays a solid gold Resistor. 
These components limit the flow of electrons through a current using their electrical resistance. This electrical resistance is measured in ohms. Resistors are color coded which allows us to determine the value, multiplier and tolerance of the component. With this Resistor being solid gold, the only thing I know for sure is that is has a ±5%. Because no Resister is perfect the tolerance indicates how much more or less the actual resistor can be compared to its normal value. 

Moving on to the last two sections "USB Port View" and "Green Capacitor View", there is not much more to talk about. Both sides include Capacitors, one blue and one green. While their properties differ, I will assume that their function is similar to the Capacitor discussed in the "Front View."

From the "USB Port View" you can see where their USB cable is inserted into-this was the only component I was able to confidently identify. And from the "Green Capacitor View" you can also see another angle of the flyback transformer.

Final Thoughts..

Breaking down the components of the Samsung Charger was a far less intimidating approach. Having now completed it, I can understand why this was our first assignment. It forces you to go out of your comfort zone, and realize you know a lot more than you think. Before I began to go through the aspects of the charger everything appeared foreign to me- I assumed this assignment would be impossible to complete- but after a few "Sparkfun" searches I was able to apply it with our lecture content in order to make sense of the components that make up a Samsung Charger. 

While I realize it is far more complex then I have identified above, I am content and proud with this start!

Monday, 9 January 2017


Hi there! 

My name is Lucy Katehos! I am a fourth year student looking forward to graduating! I am relatively new to programing and interactive design, but I am very excited to strengthen my skill sets!
This course did seem intimidating to me -similarly to previous programming courses such as, CCT391, however, once I actually began practicing the course content, I was able to have a firm grasp with everything learned. This set precedent for follow up courses in my academic career that seem "scary" at first to just stick with it! You never know what you're capable of if you don't try.

I plan on using this blog as a platform to reflect on lecture readings, and final project work. I think it is very useful to have some sort of outlet where you can share and hopefully discuss your thoughts and opinions. This blog will also be showcasing my final project progress. Again, it will allow me to express my success, and predictable frustrations I may have while completing the assignment.

Thank you for following my progress! 😊